500g calamari (you can add 250g Marinara mix if you wish - not frozen, from the fish deli counter)
1 tin of whole tomatoes
2 Tbs olive oil
1 Tbs garlic or 2-3 fresh garlic cloves crushes
1 peeled onion
500g Tagliatellu
Fry onion and garlic in the oil.until onion goes
opaque. Add the calamari and sea food and cook until calamari turns opaque.
Add the tins of tomatoes add plenty of salt and
ground pepper and simmer for about 20- 25 minutes in a closed pan. Remove lid and reduce liquid till it is fairly thick .
Cook the pasta until it is al dente Serve in a warm bowl and spoon the calamari sauce over it.
Serve with a green salad and your favourites wine.
(Note: I call my Dad Tuesday - hence the name "Tuesday's Calamari Pasta"!)