Saturday 21 January 2012

Seafood Crepes with Snapper

John and I caught 3 snapper yesterday (John 1 - me 2 - please note) and once filleted, I used one of them in the most delicate seafood crepes. The crepes were made using a low fat recipe (see (use skim milk and double up on the quantities as it not very much).
For the seafood sauce, I used snapper fillet with the standard marninara mix. It is better if you get the marinara mix from the deli counter as opposed to the frozen version. Start by chopping onion and frying it with garlic, and about two teaspoons of fennel, salt and black pepper. Add all the seafood and cook for 3 - 4 minutes - if you have some white wine - use it!
In a separate pot, make a white sauce with lots of strong cheese such as gruyere or cheddar, a pinch of nutmeg and again some salt and pepper. (For a more luxurious version add some cream and if you are watching the waistline, a skim milk sauce is almost as nice). Add the sauce to the seafood and cook for no more than 2 minutes. If the sauce is not thick enough, rather add cornstarch than try thinning it out by cooking off. The seafood will just end up lifeless and tough.
To put together ... up against the side of a dish lay out your first crepe, sauce it and then wrap - build from left to right. I have still not mastered how to hold them all together when you serve. Sprinkle with parmesan cheese and stick under a hot grill for a few minutes.

Again - look at our baby loving her crepe!

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